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Date d'inscription : 06/07/2022


Sam 6 Aoû - 16:49

Gen 1.1 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth"


This question seems a bit trivial and yet, its understanding as we understand it, is part of the cause that makes science reject the biblical scheme of creation. The rejection is not because of who wrote it, but because of our understanding. That is why we wanted to remove this misunderstanding.
If the events of the first biblical day of creation were clearly explained, today science and religion would have to work together. What we need to know is that science has not yet reached the level of knowledge of the universe as compared to what is written in the Bible. As I said: asking the question "what does it mean that in the beginning God created ... the earth" seems to be trivial and yet its answer opens the door to the Pre-Big Bang, a sphere that science has not yet validated, but that the Bible had already described 1500 years ago.

In principle, the discovery of the existence of this sphere in the Bible is part of a major discovery of the 21st century that should already be in the news both in science and in religion. Even the James Webb Telescope is not designed to discover this sphere and no telescope will be able to discover it.
To discover the entry point of the pre-Big Bang, it still requires great ingenuity on the part of NASA to follow the entry point of the gravitational waves. These are simple sentences, but I cannot spread my thoughts with writings. Today, I am faced with the same difficulties of explaining what I know about the universe as the one who wrote the biblical scheme of creation.

However, the information about the Pre-Big-Bang as described in the Bible can only be read by the study of the Fossil Radiation; the only light that originated in the Pre-Big-Bang, was condensed in the Condensed Universe to finally burst out 380,000 years later in the Post-Big-Bang. Once again, I declare to all mankind that the account of the biblical scheme of creation, scientific or not scientific, is well founded. This is not a statement based on faith, but I demonstrate it through these publications which cannot be validated by peers, because I use the same methodology as the Bible, i.e. telling the origin and evolution of the Universe as a story.
The word Big-bang being used a lot in this publication, I prefer to give a literal explanation adaptable to students of theology rather than to students of astrophysics.

1) The meaning of the Big Bang

To put it in simple terms, according to theologians, the Universe began as it is written in the Bible, namely "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Gn 1.1). They are surprised to hear scientists talk about the Big Bang as the beginning of the universe.
For those who do not understand this term, the Big-Bang is a scientific theory that tries to explain the first moments of the Universe. It was launched by the Belgian astronomer, the Abbé Georges Lemaître around 1925. It is about the beginning of the expansion of the Universe, about 13.8 billion years ago, when the Universe was still condensed, dense and hot.

When we say that it is the expansion of the Universe, it means that the Universe was already there, but at a very small size that the Abbot George Lemaître called the primitive atom. Scientists have never confirmed that the Big Bang was the beginning of the Universe. The opinion of scientists is clear: we do not know what happened before the Big-bang, from where, for them the Universe draws its origin from the Big-bang, because beyond that, mathematics does not answer any more. Thus, if someone wants to approach the events related to the pre-Big-bang, they are told to talk about metaphysics (beyond physics). Thus:

- The pre-Big-bang represents the period from infinity until the universe condensed to the extreme. This period is represented in the Bible. We have already started to demonstrate all the stages that characterized the universe during this period according to the Bible. And, I am the first one to have discovered the existence of this sphere in the bible.
- After that, we have seen that even the Big-bang is a real phenomenon that the universe has known and that it is not only a theory. The Universal Cosmological Model that reveals the Before Big Bang has come to confirm it through the biblical verse.
- Since the After Big Bang has already been analyzed by all disciplines, we will only demonstrate that their chronologies correspond to the biblical order of creation.


I have written to you about what is expected by the big bang and about the limitation of science to go beyond it. It is to say that no scientist has spoken with so much confirmation about the origin of the Universe as the Bible did 1500 years ago.
After demonstrating that the biblical days were periods ( Cfr : ), and that the "heaven" spoken of in the first verse of the Bible, "in the beginning God created the heaven" means the spiritual world (Cfr : ), We will now see the meaning of the word "earth" in this first Bible verse where it is written "In the beginning God created ... the earth".

Everyone, without exception, believes that the earth spoken of here meant the planet Earth. This has been the cause of the second rejection of the biblical scheme of creation by astrophysicists. The first one, I said, was the misunderstanding of the meaning of the verse "in the beginning God created the sky" that I explained in the link above.

Before I started my research on the biblical scheme of creation, I too had no idea that "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" concealed two different spheres. I only discovered this when I carefully read the verse that follows "the earth was formless and empty". Previously, I thought that the earth had a shape that could not be specified. Some translators even mentioned that the earth was vague falling into the same ignorance as me.
If we analyze well, even vapor or smoke can be photographed, that is, everything that is visible has and must have a form. There are never visible things without form.

First of all, the earth is composed of matter. By saying that the earth was formless and empty, we see that at the beginning of the universe we were dealing with an invisible or formless earth, that is to say that the matter was there, but that we could not see it. Hence the universe was presented as being empty. The word "universe" did not exist in 1500 years before JC, so Moses, in order to differentiate the earth of which he speaks in Genesis 1:2 from the planet Earth which will be formed on the third day (Gn 1:9), preferred to offer a definition. This definition, no one had paid attention to it. Moses defined the universe in the beginning as a formless and empty earth.

I was saddened when I came to the conclusion that the universe began in a vacuum according to the Bible, and I said that no one would believe me, neither the scientists nor the religious. What a relief it was when I came across the Septuagint Bible. This is the first version that was translated from Hebrew into Greek by the Jews themselves who knew their language better. In this Bible, which you can check in your computers, it is well written "in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth; the earth was invisible and empty". We have all seen the film of the invisible man. When we say that something is invisible, it means that it exists but we could not see it. It means that the universe was empty in the beginning and it is in this emptiness that from the third biblical day all the stars began to be created.

It is often taught in theology that the biblical scheme of creation is derived from oral traditions. If this were the case, the author would never have put a definition to differentiate the earth he is talking about from the planet Earth. It is clear that this story is conceived in a very thoughtful way and not written in a casual way.

No scientific model has brought out the beginning of the Universe with as much precision as the biblical scheme of creation restored in the Universal Cosmological Model. Since we have begun to restore the truths about this scheme, all those who have denigrated it through their publications are beginning to feel very aggrieved. The biblical scheme of creation is a complete cosmological scheme, the details and contents of which are provided to us by science.
For example, putting faith aside, I had asked myself the question: how could matter appear in an empty universe as the Bible describes it in the beginning? When I went back to the Bible, I discovered that it also corresponded with what the Bible had mentioned in spite of the difference of the words that were used. This will be the subject of my next publication.

So, compared to the science that tells us that the universe started with the Big-bang, the bible brings out what happened in the pre-Big-bang period by telling us that the universe started in a vacuum. There are some scientists who have confirmed the Bible without knowing it as far as the beginning of the universe is concerned. Among these great scientists, we have Prof. Lawrence Krauss of the Arizona State University and Prof. Gabriele Veneziano of the Collège de France, inventor of the string theory; to mention only these two (Cfr: Revue Les mystères de l'univers, hors-série n° 7, Paris 2019).

So, by discovering that the universe began in the vacuum in the Bible and for having made it mine in the Universal Cosmological model, I also become one of the researchers who defend this point of view, compared to those what limited themselves in the Big-bang without crossing it.
In the next publication, we will describe the events according to the Bible, what happened from the origin of the Universe to the Big-bang; which is also biblical. Just follow the news feed of my publications.

I know that readers are not yet used to reading publications that combine science and faith in a harmonious way to explain the Universe; from its origin to its evolution. So my literary genre is called "Astrotheology", that is, the harmony between theology and astronomy. This is the reason why in most religious groups or newspapers my writings are rejected as scientific. It is the same in most of the scientific groups or newspapers, they refuse my writings, treating them as religious. But I am on both and I make them work together in harmony.

Man himself, as we said, is the summation of the spiritual and the physical. After having been created by the dust of the stars as the physicists say by reasoning upstream; God breathed into him the spiritual and he became a living being (Gn 2:7). We will explain this point later, because the Universal Cosmological Model has not spared any verse that deserves an explanation.
It should also be known that a condensed Universal Cosmological Model has been sent to His Holiness Pope Francis for validation, so that it can be taught in theological faculties. This will allow students and future theologians to approach without ignorance the questions related to cosmology.


If the biblical scheme of creation were to be rewritten today, the first verse 'In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth' would become 'In the beginning God created the Spiritual World and the Physical World or Universe; the universe was invisible and empty', meaning that for a fictitious witness the Universe was only an endless void or abyss at its beginning.
According to the universal cosmological model, these two worlds taken together form the cosmos. Man, having in him the spirit and also composed of the matter of the physical world, is a microcosm. Let's hope that during the revision of all encyclopedias, these theories will be taken into consideration.

How to quote an extract from this article:

All these concepts are developed in the following books:

- Flavien PHANZU MWAKA, Cosmology according to biblical and ancient model, éd. Librinova, Paris 2021.
- Flavien PHANZU MWAKA, Big-bang to humankind, ed. Librinova, Paris, 2022.
- Flavien PHANZU MWAKA, the field of the Universal Cosmological Model, ed. Librinova, Paris 2021.
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