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Messages : 17
Date d'inscription : 06/07/2022

What does "the spirit of God moved upon the waters" mean in cosmology? Empty What does "the spirit of God moved upon the waters" mean in cosmology?

Ven 2 Sep - 18:27
Gen 1: 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. .2 The earth was invisible and empty: there was darkness on the face of the deep, and the spirit of God moved over the waters.

The Universal Cosmological Model

The biblical scheme of creation is the first cosmological scheme. Until then, it was theologians who developed the themes. However, this time this scheme is being restored in its cosmological aspect. Cosmology is the scientific branch that studies the origin and evolution of the universe. Therefore, what we are going to read here may disturb the sensibility of some religious people, but it is part of my discoveries and not of my thoughts.

Today we will see a very important point, namely the content of the verse "the spirit of God moved over the waters". If I say the meaning as it is mentioned in the title, it is as if I wanted to make an interpretation. But, here, the meaning is to bring out the contents and this within the Universal Cosmological Model.
Indeed, theologians seek to understand a story based on the etymologies of words, but cosmologists seek rather the contents of words. In astrotheology, on the other hand, each verse constitutes a large set of phenomena of which the sentence often presents only the final results. This is how our approaches are quite different and this is the main cause of misunderstandings in the debates between science and faith. The Universal Cosmological Model seeks to remove this equivocation.

The Universal Cosmological Model is the restitution of the biblical scheme of creation in updated language. Indeed, science has undergone a great development, explaining many phenomena with enriched language. But the biblical scheme of creation has remained in a safe place until now without being updated in relation to scientific language. Since I started posting in the forum, I have received a lot of criticism that the Bible is not a scientific book. Others tell me that trying to prove scientifically that the biblical scheme of creation is well-founded is concordism and is something that theology and faith do not tolerate. Fortunately they have made it clear that this is something that theology and faith do not tolerate and not God. For instructions from God must be followed by a verse and not by an assembly of reformers.

Mankind has billions of individuals and each one has his own wisdom. It was impossible in Israel for anyone to go and confront Pharaoh. But God went to find Moses, an 80 year old man, in the desert of Midian and set him free to the astonishment of everyone. So what is impossible for your intelligence, is not impossible for the intelligence of the whole humanity. No one is forbidden to express a point of view or a statement. But this does not mean that this statement must be imposed on everyone. And, if you are against a scientific assertion, it does not mean that this assertion is false as long as science has not yet confirmed the contrary.

I am one of those ignorant people who reject the statements that the biblical scheme of creation is part of oral traditions or that it was written during the exile by a group of people. For me, it is a pure word of God that explains why and how He created the universe. And, there is nothing to prevent God from revealing this to a prophet (Amos 3:7), even if the latter behaved like a scribe. Not being a witness to these events and not having much knowledge of what he was writing, some abuses can also be introduced in the order or in the description and not in the content.

Until now, the attention of researchers has been focused on the origins of the biblical scheme of creation. It is for the first time, through the Universal Cosmological Model, that mankind receives the true explanations of this scheme. The scientific restitution of the biblical scheme of creation has come to resolve all the concerns related to the debates between faith and science about the universe and not about religion and science.

Moreover, I already receive many testimonies from those who are sincere and who tell me that often those who make concordism are limited on the biblical days. But it has never been done that someone would demonstrate, starting from the first verse of chapter I to the last verse of chapter II of Genesis, that each verse responds to the observations and that this opens the way for science to take over. And, they have already begun to respect the scribe who wrote this text in papyrus.

For those who are going to read this article for the first time, we inform them that this is a continuation of the explanation of the previous publications in this forum to which they should also refer.

In our previous publications, we have developed the following themes:
- The biblical days were periods (see ),
- The difference between the spiritual and the physical heaven in the verse "in the beginning God created the heaven". (cfr: : )
- The difference between the earth representing the universe and the earth representing our planet in the verse "in the beginning God created... the earth". (cfr: )

In our previous publications, we said that the Bible is the first book to describe how the universe began through the verse "In the beginning God created... the earth. The earth was invisible and empty" (Septuagint Version). This also responds to the science according to the string model of the Italian scientist Professor Gabriele Veneziano who said that "the universe comes to us from an infinite void".

Our planet earth has a shape and is visible. All visible things, even deformed ones, have a shape. Even the smoke, if we photograph it in a given moment, we can see the form that it had at that moment. But the Bible, by speaking to us of an earth in the beginning in a situation of tohu-bohu, invisible, formless and empty, presents us the state of the universe at its beginning. In conclusion, at the beginning the universe was empty and for a fictitious witness, the universe was invisible like a gas.

Then came the verse "the spirit, the breath, the wind of God moved on the waters". Where did these waters come from? How can visible waters be in an invisible universe in the beginning? When were they created? How long have these waters been there? This last question confirms our assertion that the biblical days were periods and not the ordinary 24-hour days.

So, to the question: "How did these particles called waters in the Bible appear in an empty universe? For laymen like me, I recommend the site www.matièresetrevolution where there are more than fifty articles that answer this question and which I will not summarize. Here, we put only introductory quotations, because I have been reproached for writing long texts. After all, this is the first time that the biblical scheme of creation reveals its secrets and this deserves real explanations.

It is said that something is invisible, when it exists, but we do not see it. Thus, by the words "invisible earth" it means that the universe was empty at the beginning, so that it was invisible to a fictitious witness. In such an invisible universe, even matter could only be invisible to us. And, matter is only invisible to us when it is still at the level of particles. By this, we understand that the waters spoken of in this first biblical day were none other than particles.
So, through the verse "in the beginning God created an invisible and empty earth", the author speaks about the universe. In astrophysics or even in the current literature, an invisible body is a body composed of materials that we cannot see (particles). Hence we speak of quantum vacuum at the very beginning of the universe, that is, there was energy and particles that could not be seen, so that for a fictional person the universe seemed to be empty (invisible and empty earth).

The word earth already meant the presence of matter, except that at the beginning of the universe, the Bible tells us that this matter was still invisible (invisible and empty earth). To say that in the beginning God created an invisible earth, and to come afterwards to say that God created matter (waters) in this emptiness, would have been a repetition, or even an ignorance of what the word invisible means that the great scientist who wrote the biblical scheme of creation could not allow himself. Hence the sequence of the verse "In the beginning God created... an invisible and empty earth (sphere). And there was the wind of God moving upon the waters. We understand directly from this that if the earth represented the invisible and seemingly empty sphere, it is this invisible matter that was qualified from the waters in the state of particles. This is confirmed in the following scientific quote:

"Moreover, if the vacuum did not exist, the universe would be a perfect solid; on the other hand, if there were no bodies to occupy the space, the universe would be only a huge vacuum. This is why matter and emptiness (water and emptiness according to the Bible) are obviously distinct and yet intertwined, since nothing exists that is perfectly full or empty" (Cfr : Robert Paris ).

So all those who say that the biblical scheme is a tale should shut up. The scientific quotation above has just answered the question why it is not written anywhere that in the beginning God created the waters. The explanation continues:

"Many experiments show that matter (waters according to the Bible) is nothing else than a durable structuring resulting from the dynamics of the vacuum (invisible and empty earth according to the Bible) ... The vacuum constantly makes couples of particles/antiparticles appear and ... disappear! The vacuum thus produces matter (water according to the Bible). A shock is enough for the energy of the vacuum (spirit or breath of God according to the Bible) to be transformed into matter ! The shock of two particles gives new particles which did not exist before ".(Cfr : Robert Paris ).

And where is God in all this? Here, the physicists speak to us about observation. But the inherent properties of the vacuum generating the creation of the first particles, as well as the origin of the inherent properties of these particles in the vacuum will remain unknown in physics. The answer is found in the verse that says "In the beginning God created...the earth. The earth was invisible and empty". That is how everything was endowed. So, if we link these verses, it becomes "in the beginning God created an invisible and empty earth" meaning the universe. The beginning of this invisible and empty earth, endowed with properties from the divine for the transformation of energy into matter, marked the beginning of our universe.

Thus, in the verse "the spirit of God moved on the waters", the author summarizes all that quantum mechanics is elucidating today as a mystery about the evolution of virtual particles to real particles. The phenomena that are observed in quantum mechanics is so complicated to bring out a theory, it is because they mark the point of the passages from the spiritual to the physical. Hence the verse "in the beginning God created the heaven (spiritual) and the earth (physical)".

Thus, the spirit of God moving on the waters is not a simple verse that can be explained by a simple sentence. It is a verse that summarizes a set of situations that occurred in the pre-Big Bang era. Starting with the first verse of Genesis, we have four key words:

- Invisible and empty earth signifying the universe at its beginning; a sphere filled with invisible matter so that it appeared to be empty to a fictional witness. This word was only created in the 17th century ( ).
- The spirit, the breath, a wind of God meaning the energy of the void, a force that the author attributed to God.
- To move on the waters means that this breath, this wind, this spirit of God on the water was not static but dynamic, that is to say in action. This covers all the phenomena that are part of quantum mechanics which seeks to elucidate how matter appeared from the vacuum and how it evolved from the virtual to the real
- The waters that simply represented the particles (from virtual to real) or the invisible matter contained in an invisible and empty earth at the beginning. At that time, even in our time, the notion of particles is known only by physicists. In ancient times the terms "particles and matter" did not even exist. Hence the use of the word "hydro" in the original Hebrew version, which the translators translated as waters. In the 18th century, Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier (1743-1794), a French chemist considered the founder of modern chemistry, gave the name of hydrogen, which means "that which generates water", to the most abundant element in the Universe, without knowing that he had just confirmed the Bible. Namely, according to the nucleosynthesis, it is hydrogen that is at the creation of all the elements and all the matter.

Certainly, this notion of the vacuum where we speak about particles-antiparticles, creation, annihilation give headaches. So, I prefer to finish with this other masterly description made by the Italian Physicist Gabriele Veneziano that summarizes again the biblical terms "in the beginning... the earth was invisible and empty... a wind of God moving on the waters":

"Infinitely long ago, the universe was almost empty and contained only a rarefied gas of radiation and matter. The forces of nature, controlled by the dilaton, were so weak that the particles of this gas barely interacted. With time, the forces gained in intensity and matter began to aggregate (cfr: Gabriele Veneziano

1 A long time ago, the universe was almost empty In the beginning God created ...the earth. the earth was invisible and empty
2 This empty Universe contained only a rarefied gas of radiation and matter This invisible and empty earth contained Waters according to the ancient and biblical terms which were nothing else than particles
3 The forces of nature A spirit, a breath or a wind of God
4 Controlled by the dilaton Controlled by God
5 The forces of nature were so weak that the particles of this gas barely interacted A spirit of God or a wind of God moved over the waters that assembled them
6 With time, the forces gained in intensity and matter began to aggregate With time, This spirit or wind gained in intensity and these waters (these particles) came together

In conclusion, a spirit, a breath or a wind of God moving on the waters means the energy of the vacuum attributed to God which moved on the particles at the very beginning of the universe and which generates several laws in quantum mechanics. The American physicist Richard Feynman said about it: "If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you are a fool".

Indeed, to better understand the depth of quantum mechanics, astrophysicists should first go beyond physics to understand the Principle of Creation, a branch of the Divine Principle of Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon.

Many will tell me that the waters, from the first to the ninth verse in the biblical scheme of creation actually represented flowing waters and not matter or individuals because the author of this scheme had no concept of these elements. If we go down, we read this: "10 God called the dry land earth, and called the mass of waters seas" (Gen 1:10). Why was the body of water called the seas? It is indeed to demonstrate the difference between the waters mentioned in the first verses as particles and matter, and the waters as flowing waters called "seas" when the structures were formed. This verse will be better understood when we talk about the Big-bang; because the Universal Cosmological Model will not skip any verse. Everything has been scrupulously scrutinized.

Flavien Phanzu Mwaka - Auteur Librinova › auteur

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