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Date d'inscription : 06/07/2022

The links between the biblical abyss, the scientific black hole and cosmogonic chaos. Empty The links between the biblical abyss, the scientific black hole and cosmogonic chaos.

Jeu 18 Aoû - 17:01



- Gen 1:2 "The earth was without form and void: there was darkness on the face of the deep, and the spirit of God moved over the waters.
- "Chaos means, in the ancient Greek theory of the creation of the world, a dark and silent abyss that pre-existed all life.

"Chaos." Microsoft® Encarta® 2009 [DVD]. Microsoft Corporation, 2008.

- "In my scenario, we start with an almost empty Universe, very, very diluted with very weak interactions between the components. In this near-empty Universe, however, there are instabilities that can become catastrophic and lead to gravitational collapses like a black hole. And the Universe we know would emerge from this initial quasi-empty space through this black hole (Gabriele Veneziano, interview by Guy DUPLAT).; published on 15/12/2005

- And Professor Luminet concludes in Futurascience: "the question of whether our universe came from a black hole (abyss) is now part of the preoccupation of astrophysicists.
"It is quite tempting to imagine that our Big Bang could finally be the exit of a wormhole. This is one of the few hypotheses that researchers are currently working on
. (Cfr: Futura-Sciences,05/11/2014 - By Jonathan SARE).

I had said that the pre-Big Bang sphere that astrophysicists say they know nothing about, is only described in the Bible. This description, having passed unnoticed for 3500 years, is restored to these days in the Universal Cosmological Model.

In our previous publication, we said that according to the Bible, restored in the Universal Cosmological Model, our universe originated from a vacuum. This statement is also scientifically confirmed by the Italian physicist Gabriele Veneziano ( ).

Therefore, all the arguments that are developed in this publication are part of the Universal Cosmological Model, which takes spirituality into account. Therefore, the Universal Cosmological Model unites science and faith in cosmology.

The biblical verse stating that the universe was initially empty is "In the beginning God created ... the earth; the earth was invisible and empty" (Gen 1.1-2).( ).
Compared to the majority of cosmological models, the biblical model, the universal cosmological model and the string model invented by the Italian physicist Gabriele Veneziano assert that our universe originated from the vacuum and not from the Big Bang. The Big-bang is only a rebound according to the Universal Cosmological Model ( ).

I. Chaos, the black hole and the abyss

All cosmogonic models maintain that our universe originated from chaos, which is defined as "a dark and silent abyss that pre-existed all life". The classical models that assert that there was a pre-Big Bang era speak of the existence of a "black hole" before the emergence of our Universe. Les trous noirs existaient avant le Big Bang? | Etrange et Insolite (
This assertion is mathematically supported by scientists at Canada's Perimeter Institute, one of the world's leading research centres in theoretical physics. As for the biblical diagram of creation, it speaks of the abyss.

Dark and silent abyss according to the cosmogony, darkness in the surface of the abyss according to the Bible, black hole according to modern science, what is the link between these terms? Are they the same thing?
For the Universal Cosmological Model, these are similar phenomena and this is what we will try to develop succinctly in this publication, which will once again demonstrate that the biblical scheme of creation is well founded.

II. The biblical abyss or the first black hole of the Universe

This article is not a simple reflection but rather part of the pre-big-bang universe scheme. I am describing the events that took place in the Universe that preceded our current Universe. The Universe that preceded our Universe is called the "Pre-Big Bang Universe". Until then, no one was able to describe these events. Even I would not have been able to describe them if I had not discovered them in the first ancient cosmological model from papyrus. This is the biblical pattern of creation. Scientifically, this model had the misfortune to be recorded only in a holy book. And, when a treasure is described or hidden in a holy book, it is no longer the subject of extensive research.

Today we are going to talk about a very important point that took place in the pre-Big Bang Universe and that should lead astrophysicists to revise the scheme of the Standard Model. We have already said that our model is called "the Universal Cosmological Model" which is the scientific rendition of the biblical scheme of creation. This is to say that what I am publishing is the clarification of the biblical scheme of creation and not ideas gathered in my heart.
Like it or not, the biblical scheme of creation is the truth about the true scheme of the Universe to which all scholars should refer, even if we can't get it right. It is also a great first for theologians to receive these explanations that explain the thinking of the author of the biblical scheme of creation, instead of spinning around on the etymologies of words.

I don't come to teach morality or religion, but to talk about the universe. There are those who ask me questions about God or religion, but I come to teach cosmology according to the biblical and ancient model (cfr : ).

Teaching cosmology according to the biblical model does not mean comparing it with science or denying scientific evidence. We only demonstrate that the biblical pattern of creation is well founded and we limit ourselves by this. Anyone who follows the cycle of my publications will not doubt it and will know that I am not concordant, because my explanations are clear and not based on any inspiration from a scientific model.

Let us now return to our topic of the day: the story of the creation of the universe according to the biblical scheme of creation includes several stages that we have begun to develop in this forum. These should already attract the attention of astrophysicists more than the images they expect from the James Webb Telescope. Indeed, no telescope can bring back images of the pre-big bang; but the Bible did, as we have rendered them in the Universal Cosmological Model.

In this article we will look at the meaning of the abyss in the verse "there was darkness in the face of the deep" (Gen. 1:2). To avoid the biblical names, scientists have preferred to call the abyss and chaos a black hole. We will demonstrate this in this article and we will also demonstrate that some scientists have hypothesised that there was a "collapse" before the Big Bang, thus confirming the Bible by using the word abyss instead of collapse or black hole.
Let's go back and explain what is meant by a black hole to my many readers, some of whom do not have a basic knowledge of cosmology.

1. Generalities about black holes

Lately, many scientific articles abound about the existence of black holes in the sky that non-astrophysicists hardly understand. The sky is already empty, how can there be a hole, he asks me.
So I want to start by explaining to my readers what is meant by a black hole.
Black hole' is a term coined by the American physicist John Wheeler in 1967 when scientists found that there were also cavities in the sky or in deep space. A black hole is, first and foremost, characterised by the existence of a Horizon: it is the spherical surface that engulfs everything, including light, and it always remains black and dark. Since the word horizon did not exist in ancient times, the word surface was used in the Bible. Hence, the biblical verse: "there was darkness in the surface of the abyss"; and it is these abysses that are described in these days as black holes.

2. The abyss is the only true name for black holes

Some physicists and theologians will think I am being concordant as if I created the word 'abyss'. First of all, why didn't the author of the biblical scheme of creation use the word 'hole' but preferred the word 'abyss'? This was the question I had asked myself and when I got the answer I shouted Eureka!!! because the biblical scheme of creation restored in the Universal Cosmological Model had again been consolidated.

Since the word "abyss" is used in the Bible, then, I consulted the Biblical glossary to see what it means and why its author did not use the word hole. As I said, the answer surprised me greatly and will also surprise all astrophysicists and those who call the biblical scheme of creation an unscientific text. I did not invent the definition I discovered for the word "abyss" in my publications. It is a definition found in encyclopedias that are older than I am.

An abyss, according to the biblical glossary, is a mysterious world in the primitive ocean, a place of darkness and evil powers, of distress and perdition. (Cfr: Free Bible 0.9.2). In other words, an abyss is a hole whose bottom cannot be seen (darkness in the surface), and, where mysterious phenomena (evil power) take place inside, from which nothing can come out once entered (perdition).

All astrophysicists know that this definition issued by the theologians, without them knowing what the black hole is, rather highlights the properties of the black hole or defines it. In a word, if the American physicist John Wheeler knew this definition of the abyss, he would have nicknamed these cavities in space abysses. The term black hole does not fit their description and property but science has already adopted this and we submit.

What is the difference between an ordinary hole and a black hole to say that the term "abyss" is appropriate? An ordinary hole is something that we can dig into or that can form as a result of a collapse. But a black hole is an active structure like a hurricane in the deep sky that pulls in and crushes everything in the vicinity of its gravitational space, be it a star or a planet.

So when the Bible says that there was an abyss in the universe at its beginning, it shows us that the pre-big bang was also a turbulent sphere. Hence the following sentence: "(in this abyss) the spirit of God moved over the waters". By spirit, the author meant an energy or force active on this primitive ocean as defined by the abyss. In the cosmogonic model, we also speak of the primitive ocean. But, we will see that this primitive water or ocean is not our water composed of oxygen and hydrogen. At the beginning of the universe, its atoms were not yet formed.

Our next question, which will also confirm our assertion, is how this abyss was formed in the pre-Big Bang era, to which it is written "there was darkness in the surface of the abyss". The answer, which we will lay out here, will demonstrate that the biblical scheme of creation is part of cosmology and not cosmogony.

III. How was the black hole, the abyss and the chaos formed in the pre-Big Bang era?

3.1. The existence of the black hole before the Big Bang

According to a hypothesis by three researchers from the Perimeter Institute of Canada, published in the journal "Scientic American", our universe could have emerged from a black hole of a collapsing star contained in a universe with a greater number of dimensions. (Cfr: : Un trou noir à l'origine de l'univers | Le réseau ( )

3.2. The formation of the biblical abyss

In saying that there was darkness in the surface of the abyss (Gen 1:2), this is not a static situation like the pictures the James Webb telescope sends us. We are told about the abyss, but how was it formed?
An abyss, or the deformation of the fabric of space-time as astrophysicists call it, forms from a starting point. Here, the starting point begins with the verse that says "the earth was invisible and empty" according to the Septuagint Bible (Gen 1:2). The author of the biblical creation diagram only meant that the universe was empty in the beginning. And in this emptiness one could not see the matter (water or primordial ocean) that was in it; it is like a gas. Hence the term "invisible".

Astrophysicists know that there is no such thing as an absolute vacuum and that there is always energy in it (Quantum vacuum - Wikipedia ( And, according to certain laws that have not yet been scientifically mastered due to the ignorance of the Principle of Creation of Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, these energies would be at the base of the creation of particles (primitive water or ocean according to the ancient literature). And, the presence of these particles in this pre-Big-Bang universe was that the author of the biblical scheme of creation called it an invisible earth (invisible matter) which, for a fictitious witness, is only a void.

According to the Universal Cosmological Model, these particles at the very beginning of the universe did not remain static, as demonstrated in quantum physics. There were incessant particle-antiparticle collisions resulting in annihilation and sometimes fusion until an axis was created where the remains of matter collapsed, thus hollowing out space-time, i.e. the abyss.

These incessant particle-antiparticle collisions and fusions of the remains were described biblically by the verse "the spirit of God or the wind of God moved upon the waters" (Gen 1:2). It is immediately clear that these were not running waters, but the first particles that were moved by an energetic force, which the author of the biblical creation diagram called a "spirit of God" according to the Louis Segond Bible and a "wind of God" according to the Jerusalem Bible. Moreover, it was the translators who confused people by referring to water on that first day of creation or the pre-big bang. The author of the biblical creation diagram used the word "hydro".

Without knowing all that I am developing here, when the Frenchman Lavoisier discovered the most abundant element in the universe, he called it hydrogen, which means that which generates water. He had actually confirmed the Bible, but no one had the intelligence to understand this at the time. This is to say that the term "waters" used in that first verse that marks the beginning of the universe was referring to primordial particles and not to running water.
This is how the biblical abyss or the first deformation of the fabric of space-time or the first black hole was formed. It was the axis on which an energetic and gravitational force was moving, described by the Bible as the spirit of God over the waters. In scientific terms, it was formed by the gravitational collapse caused by particles creating and merging.

Scientifically, we prefer the description made by the Italian physicist Gabriele Veneziano who developed this verse in a scientific way without knowing it as we can read: "Infinitely long ago, the universe was almost empty and contained only a rarefied gas of radiation and matter. The forces of nature, controlled by the dilaton, were so weak that the particles of this gas barely interacted. Over time, the forces became stronger and matter began to aggregate. Some regions accumulated matter at the expense of their neighbours. The density became so great that black holes were formed. The interior of one of these black holes became our Universe (see: ):

Coincidences of thought Gabriele Veneziano (science) and Moses (Bible)

1 A very long time ago, the universe was almost empty = In the beginning God created ...the earth. the earth was invisible and empty
2 This empty universe contained only a rarefied gas of radiation and matter = This invisible and empty earth contained Waters or primitive ocean in ancient terms
3 The forces of nature = A spirit (Louis Segond) or a wind (Jerusalem)
4 Controlled by the dilaton = Controlled by God
5 The forces of nature were so weak that the particles of this gas barely interacted =nA spirit of God or a wind of God moved over the waters that gathered them
6 In time, the forces grew stronger and matter began to aggregate In time, = this spirit or wind grew stronger and these waters came together
7 The density has become such that black holes have formed = The density has become such that a dark abyss has formed.

It should be noted that when the text of the biblical pattern was discovered in papyrus, it was the translators who put conjunctions to make it readable, but they did not really render it according to what its author meant. With the Universal cosmological model, this thought is made clear to humanity in these days. After reading this, I ask my readers to take their bible and meditate on these verses of Genesis 1:2 in connection with what this physicist has just developed. From this, one will know that the biblical scheme of creation is not a story, but a real scheme that describes the beginning of the universe.
As we can see, Professor Gabriele Veneziano has almost unknowingly described scientifically what the Bible has described literally in the first day of creation. For me, this constitutes an irrefutable confirmation that the biblical scheme of creation in its rendition in the Universal Cosmological Model is now part of cosmology.

In the same vein, the French astrophysicist David Elbaz has asked the question: "If we live in a black hole (abyss), why should we care?" (Cfr: )

All these ideas only confirm the Bible which spoke of the existence of the abyss in the evolutionary cycle of the Universe at its beginning.


Gen 1:2 "The earth was invisible and empty: there was darkness on the surface of the deep, and the spirit of God moved over the waters" (Septuagint Version)

In an empty and invisible universe, there can be no visible matter. The first deformation of the fabric of space-time was carved out by an abyss which was the zone of gravitational concentration where particles (waters or the primeval ocean) condensed. This was qualified by the phrase "the spirit of God moving over the waters, there was the formation of an abyss". All those who have reasoned about the Pre-Big Bang say that there was previously a black hole or an abyss or chaos. The vision is the same, but the language used from one era to another is different.

As we can see, all the great structures that astrophysicists are discovering or will eventually discover in the evolution of the universe, were already described in the biblical scheme of creation, written 1500 years ago before Christ.

FLAVIEN PHANZU MWAKA: Inventor of the Universal Cosmological Model and astrotheology. Author of the books of the collections "The verses of the scholars" and "Astrotheology".

(To exploit part of the article:

Phanzu M.F., Pre Big bang - Big bang - After big bang, ed. Librinova, Paris 2021.

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